Declaring Independence

#independenceday #liveyourlife #ownyourownterms #youdoyou Jun 28, 2020

Big holiday weekend coming up!

Parades. Car shows. Barbecues. Fireworks. Or maybe none of those things this year.

Due to COVID-19, our celebrations will certainly will look different this year; won't they?

The Fourth of July commemorates the day the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence. It is the celebration of the birth of American independence. I’ve always preferred “Independence Day” over the “4th of July”. It feels more purposeful. Maybe a little more dignified. In some ways, more worthy of celebration.

The dictionary defines "independence" as the state of being independent. (Also, can we talk about how frustrating it is when the dictionary defines a word using a different form of the same word?!) Essentially, independence is the state of being free from outside control; not depending on another's authority.

As of July 1, we're halfway through 2020. Certainly, my year so far looks a lot different than I planned. I'd imagine that yours does, too. There has been a lot of talk about a "new normal": there was a pre-pandemic "normal" and there will be a post-COVID-19 reality that is different.

Given this moment in time, it feels like this Independence Day is the perfect time to declare a little independence of your own. It's time to declare independence from other people’s expectations of you.

Stop worrying about what others think you’re supposed to do and how you’re supposed to think.

No more living your life by someone else's terms.

Quit letting others control the choices you make day in and day out.

They’re not living your life. Why do you care about their opinions? Why do you care about what they think?

You do you. On your own terms. Without apology or hesitation. It's Independence Day.

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Bonus: pairs nicely with a cup of coffee or mimosa.

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