Do the Inner Work First

#dealwiththepast# #dothework #hardhabitstobreak #innerwork #mind #oldhabitsdiehard #stronger #strongerbetter #strongerthanyouthink #youoweittoyourself #youreworthit Apr 28, 2020

Ever notice that you keep repeating the same patterns over and over?

Work yourself to exhaustion.

Sabotage new relationships in the same way you always have.

Start a new job or workout or hobby or project with excited anticipation, but lose interest after just a couple months.

Repeating patterns —particularly “destructive” ones — almost certainly has something to do with something you learned a long time ago. Lessons you learned at a young age. Something imprinted on your being that you may not even be aware of. 
Maybe you learned to perform to be loved so that you keep chasing the title, the notoriety, the next big thing just to feel seen. Or maybe you learned to be quiet and play small so that you didn’t upset a parent with a bad temper.
Maybe you were taught not to expect more of yourself so you don’t feel worthy of love or praise from others. Or maybe you were taught that you’d never amount to anything so you are uncomfortable with making more money or achieving a higher level of success.

Whatever it is, you need to do the inner work to recognize the patterns and understand how their holding you back. Why you’re repeating the same patterns. Why you have those limiting beliefs, and where they come from. Because the truth is: you can never really move past it and stop the cycle until you understand those limiting beliefs.

But be prepared: the inner work is hard.

The inner work is painful. It’s oftentimes accompanied by reliving past hurts and tough emotions that were long ago buried. That were intentionally left behind or pushed down under the surface. Those hurts and emotions and patterns are all still matter how long you’ve been collecting them or avoiding them.

Friends, you can’t move forward unless and until you deal with your past. It’s only after looking back and doing the hard work will you be ready to move forward.

When you're ready to get started, I can help. I've been there. I'm not going to lie: it sucked. But it has made all the difference moving forward. When you're ready to start on the inner work, I'll walk beside you.

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