It's Time You Started Taking Your Own Advice

#itsnottoolate #lifecoachformidlifewomen #lifecoachforwomen #midlifebestlife #midlifewomen #whatdoyouwant #yourenottooold Feb 12, 2022

You know how you’ve always told your daughters they can be anything? That they can live the life of their dreams?

Here’s my question to you: DO YOU ALSO BELIEVE THAT FOR YOURSELF?

In case you need it, here’s your friendly reminder that you, too, can be anything. That you can live the life of your dreams.

  • It’s not too late to start over. 
  • It’s not too late to live the life you’ve always wanted.
  • It’s not too late to become the person you’d always imagined you’d be.
  • It’s not too late to rewrite the ending of your story.

You can do anything. You can have everything. You can become whoever you want to be.

But first, you must figure out what you want in life. To live your dream life, you have to know what that looks like. To become the person you've always imagined you'd be, you need to know who she is.

And yet, one of the biggest struggles for midlife women is figuring out what they want in life.

Don't believe me? Ask a midlife woman in your life where she wants to go for dinner, or what she wants to do for her birthday. More than likely, she'll defer the questions to the group.

  • Because she doesn't want to put anyone out or make anyone uncomfortable.
  • Because she wants everyone to have a good time.
  • Because she doesn't want to be in the spotlight.

And why is that? Because as women, we've been conditioned to put everyone else's needs ahead of our own. We've grown accustomed to pleasing people and keeping the peace. We’ve learned to settle for — and be happy with — whatever makes others content. Hell, some of us don't even recognize ourselves anymore; let alone know what we want.

Because of all of this others-first and self-last conditioning, it makes perfect sense that women don’t know what they want.

Here is why that’s a problem: you simply cannot live your most fulfilling, best life without first getting crystal-clear on what you want. That means knowing:

What lights YOUR soul on fire.

What it is that YOU love to do.

What energizes YOU.

What you're doing when YOU lose track of time.

What YOU want.

And doing MORE of ALL of THAT. Starting now.

To take inspiration from one of my all-time favorite movies "When Harry Met Sally”, and adding a little literary license: when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life being the best version of yourself, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

So, do it. Whatever "it" is. Start right now. Figure out what and you want to be, and go be the best you.

And if you need a little help figuring out what it is you want in life, click here to download my free WHAT DO I WANT Guide. It's a step-by-step guide to gaining clarity on what's most important.

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Bonus: pairs nicely with a cup of coffee or mimosa.

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