Votes Hard on Women

#19thamendment #genderdoublestandard #historicweek #kamalaharris #politicsinamerica #voteforwomen #womensrightsarehumanrights Aug 16, 2020

It's an historic week for women voters in the United States. Not only does this week mark the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment giving women the Constitutional right to vote, but this week also saw the naming of the first woman of color to a presidential ticket.

 I admire so many qualities of Senator Kamala Harris. She's is a successful career woman with a strong resume and a track record of results. Educated. Successful. Capable. Articulate. Opinionated. Strong.

 And unfortunately, those are the same exact characteristics that many will use against her during this campaign season.

In our country, if a woman is too successful, she’s unapproachable.

If she changes her mind when faced with new facts, she’s unreliable or wishy-washy or can’t be trusted. 

If she’s too articulate, she’s out of touch.

If she’s too capable, she’s nasty.

If she’s too powerful, she’s a bitch.

Our society would never find fault with a man that we described as educated, successful, capable, articulate, opinionated and strong. On the contrary, he would be revered. And this is the part that pisses me off: many of the accusations against her will be hurled by other women. Because women are the most critical of other women.

I’m so over the gender double-standard in this country.

A woman’s job is no longer limited to care-taking and house work. A woman’s worth in the workplace is no longer measured by how politely she can answer a phone or how quickly she can grab a cup of coffee for her male counterparts. A woman’s career is no longer based upon how demurely and willingly she plays a supporting role on the team.

Everything about Kamala will be overly criticized over the next several months. What she wears. How she fixes her hair. Are her accessories too overstated? Does she have a resting bitch face when she’s listening intently to a question. Why doesn’t she cede the floor or back down when verbally attacked?

Regardless of your political affiliation, I’d like to appeal to your human affiliation. I mean, if a man who brags about grabbing women by the pussy can serve as the President of the United States, surely we can listen to and learn from the positions of an articulate and measured woman.

Look, you don’t have to vote for her. That’s 100% your choice.

But you also shouldn’t be silent and complicit in her public defiling. The name-calling, the ridiculing, the bullying. She doesn’t deserve it. Rather, she deserves the respect that would be paid to any man running for vice-president. And if you're unsure how to pronounce Kamala, you can simply use "Senator Harris", just as you would respectfully address one of her male colleagues.

[Photo courtesy of Senator Harris' website: ]

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