Whatever You're Working On: You've Got This

#decidecommitsucceed #everythingisfigureoutable #girlyougotthis #impossibleisnothing #midlifewomen #mind #mindset #nothingisimpossible #successlooksalotlikehardwork May 02, 2020

I did it! I made a website. 🤗 (Which you obviously know because you're reading this on the website blog, but this is still a big deal for me so I'm going to celebrate it!)

There are still a few kinks to work out...like why the photo doesn’t show up in the Bio section when looking at it on a mobile device. I’m working on it, but I still can’t quite figure out how to fix that. 🤷‍♀️

But I’m telling you this for a couple of reasons.

1. I’d love for you to check it out (thank you for being here!) and sign up for my weekly email newsletter! Think of the newsletter as a weekly shot of inspiration every Sunday morning. There will be stories and quotes and recipes and life hacks and links to books and podcasts that you won’t want to miss.

2. I am not a web designer. I have no formal education that is even remotely related to building a website. I mean, I went to law school, which is about the farthest thing from computer programming that you can get. I know nothing about writing code. Yet, I built a freakin’ website!

And here’s what I do know about building websites or learning to cook or sew face masks or fix a leaky faucet:

🔹 EVERYTHING IS FIGUREOUTABLE. Sure, it might take a lot of time and create a lot of frustration during the process. I made A LOT of mistakes along the way, but I kept with it. And in the end, I figured it out. (Except for that little bio photo issue...) 😉

🔹 THERE IS FREE HELP AVAILABLE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. The Internet is full of free search tools and how-to videos and podcasts that will walk you through anything and everything you want or need to learn. They are FREE. It’s up to you to decide to use them and put in the time to learn from them.

🔹 THINGS WILL FEEL IMPOSSIBLE UNTIL THEY ARE DONE. When I started this process in December, I purchased a web-building product that was marketed as easy-to-use right out of the box. I assure you, it was not. Not for someone like me, anyway. But that’s because I didn’t have the tools or the experience or the education. And I jumped in without really learning the tools I needed first.

You know the part of the instruction manual that says “Read This First”? Yeah, I think there is a reason they want you to read that information first....

When I became frustrated because I was spending too much time spinning my wheels, I hired a web designer. We had different ideas about the process. I thought I was getting a website. He thought I was asking for a couple landing pages. Remember, I don’t speak code or website. Expectations were lost in translation.

But then, I had a little time on my hands. I found myself at home for a couple months with very little commercial real estate activity to keep me busy.

So, I decided to build the damn website. And you know what? Turns out it was never impossible. I just needed the time and patience and DESIRE to stick with it until it was done.

That’s the same as anything new that you try to complete. In the beginning, it will feel confusing and frustrating and impossible. There will so many times when you want to quit. But stay the course. You can figure it out. You always have. You will learn SO MUCH in the process, so the next time, it will be easier.

And in the end, you will be so.damn.proud of what you’ve accomplished. Even though it seemed impossible in the beginning. Whatever you’re working on, stick with it. It will be worth it in the end. 💙

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